The Big Cool Down

Michael with 21″ or 53.34 Cm Brown Trout

A couple of cool fronts have pushed through in the past week which has dropped our temps from the 100’s to the low 90’s and during the next week to the high 80’s .  I’ll take it!  I know you will too.  Now! if we can just get some rainfall?

This past Saturday the river looked like a holiday weekend which I was happy to see as this heat that we were having was causing some summer time cabin fever for sure.  The cooler temps brought folks outdoors to do some fishing as well as other outdoor activities.  A gentle man from Tunica MS came down to fish for a couple of days and Saturday was a stellar day for catching as the trout were on a feed.  Michael had hits on his first 5 cast and once he got used to seeing the ant as the indicator he went to town and racked up some numbers bows and 4 brown trout to boot with the best one at 21 inches or as he says in germany 53 3rd Centimeters (thank you search engines and the iPhone) as well as another right at 18 inches.  It was his biggest trout to date.  When I told Michael that he was going to catch at least a 20 inch fish that morning and then he did I asked him if he thought I was full of it and of course he replied “YES”.  But the water was off and I could see the fish were there so it was just a matter of time.  It took about an hour but he had to sore lip a bunch of bows first to get them out of the way.

In my last report I mentioned that if we got some cooler temps we would begin seeing more no generation water and we have and I hope it continues and we do see a few more ’cause I sure like seeing folks hook and land big grown trout.  Here is what the forecast looks like for the next week.   On Sunday I wore a jacket till 10:30 AM as another front came through.  It also really slowed down the catching for sure.

Tue high of 88 with a low of 61- Wed high 91 low 68 – thursday hight 91 low 66- friday high 85 low 58- Sat high 85 low 55- sunday high 87 low 60 –  Mon high 89 low 61.  Looks good to me.

Stay Fishy My Friends.   Book a fishing adventure today and call 870-404-8906

Jimmy T.

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