Generation Pattern? Some More Low Water

Generation has been kicking up at 5:00 am for the last two mornings as well as of this writing at 6:45 am and shutting off early morning at 8:00 am.  Of course our temps for the last couple of days have been in the 60’s and today we are supposed to hit 58.  Some spawning out of the C&R area is still going on but seems to be winding down.  Various egg type flies along with thread midges are working well.  We are quickly approaching the opening day of the mile long catch and release ares below Bull Shoals Dam.  There has not been another shad kill since last week but if generation should get heavier with 7 or 8 units of water another Shad Kill could happen.  It would be good for the fish and supply a ton of protein in a hurry.

Don’t forget to sign up for the shad kill alert by sending an e-mail to with Shad Kill Alert in the subject line.  An auto responder will let you know it has been received.  



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