Welcome to Fly Fish Arkansas. The leading fly fishing guide service on the White & Norfork rivers. Fish with the best! Forget the rest. Providing safe, educational and enjoyable fishing adventures since 1995. Take your next fishing trip to the White River and fish with Jim at Fly Fish Arkansas. Call 870-404-8906 or send an e-mail to jim@flyfisharkansas.com
This past thursday I fished with Steve his brother Doug and father Tom for the day. It was a productive day with many good fish caught up at the dam. We started the day with generation at 4 units and ended the day with generation at 8 units. Flows were amped up all afternoon from lunch on which kept the fish active and the long rods bent. Steve and I have fished together before on high water and I showed him a technique which he has used in his own boat to catch some good trout on big flows. This past week was the first time his brother and father had used this technique and they both caught on quickly. Doug pictured below turned to me later in the day and said to me ” Jim! I love this technique, I’m not afraid of fishing 8 units anymore.” That statement right there said it all for me as this is something that many fly fishing guides on this river have been fighting for years is that good fish can be caught on high water flows with full generation of 8 units and not only can good fish be caught but large numbers of fish can be brought to the boat as well.

The next day Steve, Doug and Tom headed over to Taneycomo to fish and also did well on the high flows of that river using the same technique. Below is Steve again with a brown trout.

Generation Pattern: Around the clock generation for the past couple of weeks except for one 6 hour period when the water was shut off for the casting for recovery event. The lake level is down to 663.36 as of 3:00 am this morning and has dropped almost a half a foot in the past 24 hours. CFS has been as high as 15,842 cfs to as low as 8210 cfs in the past 24 hours. The mossy conditions continue and are much worse down stream as I can attest to after fishing from Cotter to Ranchettes while helping out another guide on a trip this past Saturday. Today is the second day of this trip and we will be fishing at the upper end of the river today. It looks as though the generation schedule for today is for almost 4 units of water.
This from Scott who I fished with last month. Thanks for the kind words Scott.
“You’re one righteous guide! Thanks for taking the extra time and letting me use one of your rods. For what it’s worth, I haven’t broken all of my other poles (it would be much better to sell them if I get to that point), but I have chosen to use one of Brian’s awesome spare fly rods since the trip instead of pulling out the old standard spinning reels even to go pond hopping, and just worked on the basics you taught me. I caught a ton of fish and plan to keep working at it, so maybe we can take time to learn some new techniques next time around. Thanks again for everything. It was the an absolute blast, and something I look forward to doing again, next year!”
The picture below is of a deer we saw on the bank this past thursday.