Guide Jeff Moore took two fisherman out this past tuesday and got into some fish down by the Narrows with Caddis emergers and a 3 fly rig. The boys brought a dozen brown trout to hand and a ton of “bows” in the net. Jeff snapped this picture with his phone.
Cicadas- In my research I came across a record of samples of Cicadas taken in Marion and surrounding counties in 1998 and two primary species were found. The Tredecassini and the tredecim were population samples actually taken and audio records of the Neotredecim were taken in Marion County. In Sharp and other counties the Neo was sampled. I also came across a Cicada emergence formula for predicting the brood X emergence and applied it to the XIX brood for our area and came up with May 4th. I don’t know how accurate it is but here it is.
“Gene Kritsky was nice enough to send a paper he wrote with a formula for predicting the emergence date. E = (19.465 – t)/0.5136, where E = emergence start date in May and t = average April temperatures in °Celsius. His formula worked like a charm for predicting the Brood X emergence in Cincinnati. 80% of his sites had begun the emergence on the predicted date of May 14th of that year. Also when the ground temperature reaches a consistent 64° Fahrenheit that is another good sign the emergence is about to begin.”
Try it and see what you come up with I found the info I needed on the Weather Underground website. Here is the website I found it on.
Good Fishing
Jimmy T.