Both Bull Shoals and Norfork lake have finally hit the normal pool elevations. We are finally seeing some low water on some days for a few hours. Scud, various egg patterns, midges, sow bugs and the occasional bwo and dry midge are working. The upper end of the river is the most wadeable if the water ran late into the evening; however the downstream end of the river below wildcat would be wadeable if the water has been left off for more than 24 hours.
Don’t forget to sign up for the Shad Kill Alert by sending an e-mail to with Shad Kill Alert in the subject line. You will get an automated response that lets you know it has been received. Remember to put Shad Kill Alert in the subject line so that my smart mail box will recognize it when I send out the alerts. Those who sign up for the shad kill alert will be amongst the first to receive this information if not the first.
Good luck and good fishing.