St. Louis Trip

This past friday a guide buddy Brian Wise (who guides on the North Fork of the White River in Missouri) and I took off to St. Louis to hang out with a mutual buddy of ours Matt Tucker who has the website.  Matt and his family were kind enough put Brian and I up for the night. We arrived friday evening and took off for Schlafleys brewery to meet up with some other friends.  Brian G. (king sh*t approved), Ted Calcaterra as well as Evan and Mike from Feather-Craft Fly Fishing.  The beer at Schlafleys was superb ( I liked the #15 and the Pale Ale).  We shot the bull for the evening and generally did what fisherman do!  Talk fishing and our latest plans.  Brian and Matt are planning to hit all the trout streams in Missouri this year (sounds complicated) and too much beer made it even more complicated.  Looking to seeing Ted and Brian this year at the Conclave and Mike and Evan later on in the year.  The next morning we woke early and hit the Lone Oak Nature Preserve to take some photos of some deer and see the elk and bison.  Fun trip.  We then headed over to Feather-Craft to meet the rest of the crew.  We met Ted the manager as well as his lovely wife Anna (the glue who keeps the place from falling apart) and Bob the owner.  Mike and Evan were there as well and I got the grand tour from Evan.  If you can’t find it at Feather Craft your in trouble.  The back area where the catalogue orders are filled was mind boggling with all the product that they stock.  If you don’t get the FC catalogue pick up the phone and order one now (link to the right).  We did a little tying and then went outside and Brian and I gave some casting lessons to some of FC’s customers as well as try out a few rods.  The Sage 7 foot 11 inch Bass rod cast like a dream.  Looking forward to my next trip to St. Louis and another visit to FC.


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