Monday was a tough day of fishing with very spooky fish to contend with. Not sure if it had anything to do with the minor earth quake we had or just simply the water pattern (it’s the water pattern) but we did have to move a lot and our best bet was drifting out of the boat on low or no generation water. This morning will see generation until later this afternoon and I don’t wan’t to be caught in dropping water trying to catch fish on the upper end so I will be headed to the lower end. See ya’ll there.
Two days of low water wade fishing and I’m beside myself. After 3 years of 8 units of water and flood gate water just being able to stand in the water is a much needed change of pace. I’m looking forward to a mix of both wadeable as well as driftable water and if it comes all in the same day so much the better. It’s a welcome option in that if the fishing has slowed down I can move upstream and meet the rising water or stay in front of it and continue wade fishing depending on what my fisherman want and how the fish are biting. If the low water fishing sucks then some rising water would be very welcome such as it was yesterday afternoon. The catching really slowed down so we caught the higher water and started catching again.
Friday and Saturday I had the pleasure of fishing with Raulo and Joe who grew up together and went to grade school together and continue to be friends and meet and go fishing every year. Both are quite good fishers and had a couple of good days. Friday was the better day with 3 brown trout hooked and landed and more fish to hand. Saturday looked like a holiday weekend with lots of activity on the river. However we were able to find a few uncrowded spots that delivered some great fishing. Hopper action was sweet friday with two of the three brown trout taking our hoppers. On Saturday the fish wouldn’t even look at our hoppers until the water came up.

Our beautiful weather continued yesterday with heavy fog lifting around 9:30 am where we started fishing at the Narrows. When the catching slowed down we moved upstream through no name shoals and fished the bottom of blue hole to a large pod of brown trout that we spotted where we hooked and landed some bows. We moved upstream again to get into the mail box which was occupied so upstream we continued to the junk yard where we got into fish again. When that slowed down we hit the dam and fished rising water with a hopper and a dropper. The dropper worked best with numerous fish taken on this emerger.
Generation will continue all day today with a weak one unit in the 2,000 CFS range which could be good for any hopper or floating ant action with a dropper or two under those flies. Monday should see no generation until 1:00 or 2:00 in the afternoon when a unit will come online followed by another one two hours later with generation continuing until 10 PM in the evening. Could be some wadeable water tuesday morning all along the river if tuesdays generation does not kick up until later in the day. We’ll see what the schedule says monday afternoon.
Weather: Today will be bright and sunny with highs in the mid 80’s and the overnight low in the mid 50’s. Currently we are at 60f with 78% humidity. Monday is Columbus Day and brings a chance of showers and T-Storms with highs in the low 80’s and overnight lows in the lower 50’s Tuesday also brings a chance of showers. We are pretty dry at this time and cold use a bit of moisture which would help the fall color changes which we are just starting to see. It should peak around the weekend of the 23rd.
Guiding: October is a pretty busy month and this October is no exception. The weekend of the 23rd is going to be one busy weekend and request for that weekend and week are still coming in. If you have not yet found a guide for that weekend and week you are probably too late. November is a beautiful month and a great month to fish so if you have been thinking about going fishing start your planning now and pick up the phone and book your fishing adventure. The crowds will be gone and lodging will be much easier to find. Lodging rates in this area will also begin to get discounted during this month.
Good fishing
Jimmy T.