Heavy Caddis Hatches-Great Catching

Dave from Tulsa

Pat from Tulsa has been fishing with me for about 6 years now and on  this trip brought friend Dave with him.  This fish was caught on our second drift Saturday morning on a San Juan Worm.  We spent the morning on dropping water in the C&R until the catching slowed down and then worked our way down stream.  In the state park hole we put on some dry caddis with emerger droppers but did not get any takes on them until we hit the Gastons hole which is a long time to get a take on a dry.  The fish just were not keying in on them.  I re-rigged with a long leader and two different types of caddis and we began fishing on the bottom.  The catching was instant and often.  From Three Chutes down to Tucker hole the catching was outstanding.  I also had two other groups out this weekend and the other guides also reported some outstanding catching. The next day Sunday Pat & Dave and I started at Three Chutes with few caddis coming off but began to get into some fish. We worked our way upstream to get out of the wind and did good in the mailbox.  Partee shoal did not produce well for us but cane island sure did.  We finished our half day back in the mail box.  This caddis fly below is the one we caught most of our fish on.  They are available in the shop as are the materials to tie them up.

Caddis emerger

With another day or two of this hatch I’m sure we will begin to get takes on the surface.  I can about guarantee it will happen with some no generation water and of course the further away from the C&R area by the dam you are the better it will work.  Starting at the end of May we will begin to see the sulphers on the upper end of the white.  Early May should bring a few early sulphers much further down stream.

Lake levels and water temps:  The lake level is at 651.75 and has been hanging at this level for a few days.  With more rain we may see it rise a little.

Here are the lake temps from the surface to the bottom taken at the dam.



2 Replies to “Heavy Caddis Hatches-Great Catching”

  1. Jimmy,

    Think I am coming over there Saturday by myself and if they are running two units, thinking about fishing from my boat in the morning and going to Norfork to wade in afternoon. Got any thoughts when I am drifting in boat? Not sure if you give away those trade secrets or not so thought I would ask. Crap all you can do is say no and then I know as much as I did before! Hope you are doing good and business is good. Tell wife to keep those wood-work shops to a minimum!!……….louis

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