Weekend Generation

Looks like generation this morning will begin at 6:00 am and ramp up to 4 units and then tone back down with generation ending by 4 or 5 PM.  On Sunday it looks as though generation will take place for three hours with a unit or two between 9 and 11:00 when generation will cease again for the day.  Monday looks to be a heavy generation day with the water coming online at 9:00 am and ramping up to 4 units by 1:00 pm.  and then shutting down by 11:00 pm.  Traditionally Thanks Giving week very little if any generation occurs.

GOOD:  That’s how I’d describe this fall and good in more ways than just the fishing.  Water quality was good, business was good, all my fisherman were good and especially the weather was good.  Nice and warm with bright sunny skies which of course enabled us to fish in our shirt sleeves and still be putting on sunscreen well into November and that is OK with me.

This coming weekend is also expected to be nice with some low flows that are wadeable and of course it is thanks giving week and I am exactly that:  Thankful.  Thanks to all of you who have fished with me this past year and am looking forward to fishing with ya’ll next year as well.  If you are looking for a gift to give your sweetheart call me up and give the gift of fishing as “Gift Certificates” are available.  I’ll sent out a nice card you can give to your fisher for Christmas.  Oh what a smile you will get.

Generation for today is expected all day with heavy flows in the early part of the morning and decreasing to much lower flows during the middle of the day.  The “Fork” will be shut down for a few hours.

Check out the fly shop page for the new arrivals and specials.  Tungsten Cones are in and you’ll like the prices.

NEWS FLASH: From Todays Local News Paper the BAXTER BULLETIN.

BULL SHOALS — A Bull Shoals golf course attendant who allegedly dumped pesticides into a stream that runs through Rivercliff Golf Course, killing thousands of fish, is being prosecuted by the state on three fronts.

The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality issued a notice of violation Tuesday to the Rivercliff Golf Course and to Kelly Ott of Bull Shoals alleging Ott and Rivercliff Golf Course violated the Arkansas Water and Air Pollution Act. ADEQ seeks $19,200 in fines for the damage caused by a chemical spill that agency calls “intentional” into a tributary to the White River.

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission also seeks a fine of $2,363.

The state, represented by Ron Kincade, prosecuting attorney for the state’s 14th Judicial District, is bringing two felony counts of improper disposal of a hazardous waste against Ott and a misdemeanor count of taking fish with electrical devices, firearms, explosives, toxic, stupefying or killing substances.

Kincade said Ott pleaded not guilty to the criminal charges Wednesday and was ordered to reappear in court on Jan. 26. The spill occurred on July 25, 2010.

Good fishing.

Jimmy T.

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