Tuesday Sept 8: Update at 4:40 PM

UPDATE: 4:40 central time. Looks like generation tomorrow. A unit for most of the day with an extra one coming on line at 2 or 3 pm….

Click here for generation schedule.

Hope everyone had a good long catching weekend. Looks like river levels will be a little higher today than the last three days. The lake level is just above the 655 level and has dropped a couple of inches over the weekend. I know! I,m asking the same question as you are?
Why run this weak water which produces very little energy over a labor day weekend. Here’s my guess! The Orivs rep had an affair with the dam operators wife and this is his way of getting back at fly fishers!
It sounds good any way. Here is a cool underwater pic taken by our friend Gonzo.
Gonzo Brown Trout

We’ll see this afternoon what the schedule looks like for wednesday.
Water quality this year is looking good as it’s usually at this time of year the White suffers a little from low D.O. It’s a little low coming out of the penstocks and gets better at the next U.S.G.S. gage on the baxter co side at the boat ramp. The brown trout have been moving up at a rapid rate and it seems as though some are ready to spawn up at this end which is a bit early. The staging process is still underway and I’ll be able to tell more when we see no flows again.

Book your fall trip at 870-404-8906 today.


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