PT’s Flows, Norfork and Dry Run Creek.

As the lake level approaches the normal pool elevation on Bull Shoals for July the anticipation of some minimum flow and wadeable water is close at hand.
The Norfork River has already began some minimum flow and the caddis hatch is still going on over there as is the sulphur hatch. Reports of some good fish are coning into the shop.

The sulphur hatch has started on the White River. I’ve not seen much in the way of surface takes but with lower flows and over time this should be one heck of a fun way to fish. Pheasant Tails (PT,s) have been working for me with an attractor above the PT and I am sure that two of these flies will begin to work as the hatch picks up steam. Annual cicadas have also made an appearance as have the hoppers. Dragonflies are zooming around as well and the girdle bug is also taking some good fish under an indicator.
Dryrun creek has fish moving back into it after a bunch of water was shout off for the work at the hatchery. The water is now back on and the fish have stared moving back into the creek for cooler water. Lead by rainbows and cutthroats the brown trout will soon follow.


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