Welcome 2010

Fly fish Arkansas White and Norfork rivers with Fly Fish Arkansas top guide Jimmy T. for a safe fun filled fish catching  adventure.   My Mission: To provide a safe, educational, fun, fish catching adventure in any water and conditions.  As a veteran with 15 years full time guiding experience on these waters it’s this accumulated knowledge of the rivers that will make your day a memorable one.

Bluffs Of River Cliff
Bluffs Of River Cliff

This article in todays Baxter Bulletin:

YELLVILLE (AP) — State authorities say a Marion County developer is polluting the White River with runoff from construction work on a 20-acre subdivision on a steep hillside just downstream from Bull Shoals Dam on the White River. The Arkansas Department of EnvironmentalQuality has filed a suit in Marion County Circuit Court seeking $250,000 in damages from Jerry K. Ott. The lawsuit says runoff from a subdivision that Ott is developing, The Bluffs at Rivercliff, drains into an unnamed tributary that empties into the White River.

“Money damages cannot adequately compensate the people of the State of Arkansas for the damage being caused to the White River and other waters by continuing, unchecked sediment runoff from the subdivision,” the ADEQ suit claim

White River Generation Report:

Jan 1st 2010 Generation all night and now with 5 units of water with actual water flows of 5600 to 10,000 CFS.  Predicted loading schedule for the weekend is for generation through sunday.  Flooding down stream at the Newport guage is subsiding and is down 3 feet.  Lake temps this morning are at 49 f.

Sign up for the SHAD KILL ALERT by sending an e-mail to shadkillalert@flyfisharkansas.com   By signing up for this e-mail alert you will be the first to know of this event.  If you have signed up in the past and did not get the alerts last year please re-send as my digital skills leave much to be desired and I know I’ve managed to loose a few or delete some.

Some info about the SHAD KILL:

Most years the White and Norfork rivers will get a shad kill. The key that seems to cause these kills appears to be the surface temps of the lakes.  A 42 degree surface temp seems to be the magic number.  This morning I dropped a thermometer at a boat ramp just down the road and came up with a temp of 49 which is a few degrees cooler than two weeks ago.  I also watched for gull activity below the dam as well.  A good sign that shad are coming through is when the gulls dive to the water and take shad from the surface.

When shad get pulled through turbines of the dams and into the rivers it causes some very exciting feeding activity.  The trout on these rivers go absolutely berserk and feed voraciously.  This can be seen if the shad come through with their swim bladders intact and full of air.  Explosive takes on the surface of the water will excite any fisher when this happens.  It is THE most fun of all the fishing on the White River.  It will get the adrenaline pumping for sure and dang near cause a heart attack when a fisherman has such a take on his/her floating fly from a big brown trout.

Special:  Book your trip by Jan 15 for the month of February. One full day fishing and two nights at River Cliff Cabin for two  $448.00 plus tax on lodging $8.82

Two full days fishing and three nights lodging for two:  $847.00 plus tax on lodging of $13.23  Lunch, water, sodas flies, leader, tippet, rods & reels included.  Bring your license and trout stamp.

Happy New Year

Jim & Debbie Traylor

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