Welcome to Fly Fish Arkansas. The leading fly fishing guide service on the White & Norfork rivers. Fish with the best! Forget the rest. Providing safe, educational and enjoyable fishing adventures since 1995. Take your next fishing trip to the White River and fish with Jim at Fly Fish Arkansas. Call 870-404-8906 or send an e-mail to jim@flyfisharkansas.com
March Special: 2 Nights Lodging and a Full day of fishing $499.00 plus tax on lodging. Lodging at River Cliff Cabin. Call 870-404-8906 or 870-431-7777 to book.
Saturday Update: Jim R from California brought his buddy Bob from St. Louis for a 3 day fishing trip which we started at noon yesterday. Jim has never fly fished before but we got him doing back cast pretty fast. The bite wasn’t bad but we sure could use another blast of shad to come through the dam to turn on the better fish. Using the dash-2 soft hackle as well as the BR-549 and an egg dropper we picked up fish on most of our drifts yesterday afternoon. Fluctuation from the dam was evident for sure which always affects how the fish take flies. Today will be a full day with Jim and Bob and Joined by Jim’s brother Stuart from Atlanta. Rain is in the forecast for today and looking at the radar it looks as though we are going to get some. Spring is in the air. Book your march and april fishing adventures today.

Craig has had one heck of a day on the river today with a lot of first. His biggest trout ever, the most trout ever caught in a day~ever! and … some casting he’d never done either. A lot of first for his first of three days. The next two should be much easier for him. Craig is a quick study and played this brown trout above like a pro. He got it to the boat after a good fight and we got the net under it. What a hook set. It came to the surface and then took off like a torpedo. We were ready for a hot lunch after that fish. The afternoon was a little tougher due to the wind kicking up but we found a few spots to bang out some more fish. Great job Craig. I think he is addicted to fishing the White River now. See more pics of Craig and his trip today in the 2010 gallery.
Generation today was heavy in the morning with 7 units until 9:30 am when generation dropped rapidly down to 3 units for an hour and then came back up to 5 1/2 units. We have not seen any shad since earlier in the week however the fish do have some big bellies bulging out and are lumpy with something???? Shad I think. Did have a little action on top after the water dropped out to 3 units but switched over to the Dash-2 and an orange eggs when the water came back up. We were using long leaders (14 feet) with split shot in two different locals on the leader and a yarn indicator. These yarn indicators are very sensitive and indicate takes like no others and support two BB shot as well. Look for lower overall generation for the next three days according to the generation schedule. I believe it for Saturday and Sunday but don’t put any creed in it for monday. We’ll see I guess. February has been a busy month for this guide and I’ll be on the water for the remainder of the month with few days off so if you see me out there say hello. Kudos to Dave and his boy from Tn. who were doing well on the flies I delivered to his buddy Patrick yesterday. When I pulled up to them they were into fish on every drift. Good job gents. See ya’ll tomorrow hooking and landing fish.
Look for my article on fishing for big fish on low water in the next few days. Book your fishing adventure for march soon. We have some lodging still available at the “Cabin” on the river. Give my lovely wife Debbie a shout at 870-431-7777 for more info or check out the River Cliff website for pics and other info.
The fishing is always good my friends… The catching isn’t bad either.
Jimmy T.