Sow Bug 2011 A big Success

Tony S.

Tony Spezio a tier and founder of the Sow Bug Round.  Tony has been one of the main ramrods of this annual event and has bowed out of involvement over the past couple of years.

Mike Tipton

Mike Tipton is now the main driver of the “Bug” now and is leading the charge to move the event to the fairground where the Conclave is held.

Bob K. At the door

Bob K is the guy who greets you at the door and takes your $5.00 to get you in for three days.  Tom Lewis is the auctioneer (professional) and club member who did a fantastic job

Tom Lewis: Auctioneer








Mike Davis and Steve Dally

My friend and Helper Mike “Mad Dog” Davis with our friendly competion from Mt. River Fly Shop Steve “The Taz” Dally .

See the 2011 photo gallery for more pictures of the Sop Bug.

Guess Who This Tier Is?

3 Replies to “Sow Bug 2011 A big Success”

  1. Jimmy, thanks for the flies, the good advice and good conversation in those early mornings getting ready for the ‘Bug. Also your willingness to check out certain situation we talked about. You are good people: good guides are hard to find, and good people are even harder to find: you are both.

    God bless you and Deb: may you have a great year!

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