Sulpher mayflies continue to hatch on the White River with PT’s as the go to fly on both higher and no generation water. Wading on monday produced several brown trout in Blue Hole that were stacked up above a rock pile and below a ledge which held the fish in place. DW white tail midges also produced numerous rainbow trout in the faster water at the bottom of the hole which does not get much wading traffic. Tuesday brought some weak generation to start with which amped up at 8:00 A.M. Fluctuation or the ‘yo-yo-ing’ of the water began right away but it seems to be normal now. Looks like the no generation wading water with all this heat may also be fading away or at least become a shorter window. Hoppers are getting thicker on the river and the takes and looks are picking up with the approach of hotter weather. Foam as well as parachute hoppers and chernoblyl ants are the ticket. Drop a PT or midge from this fly and hang on. Fish stocking is also getting heavy as the busiest holiday weekend of the year approaches . The Fourth. It is going to be a busy one with lots of folks enjoying the cold river water in lots of different ways so if you are headed this way to do some fishing don’t expect to find a lonely stretch of river to have all to yourself if there is any wadeable water. Just wave that canoe on by and smile.
Stay Fishey My Friends.
Jimmy T.