This past November marked my 12th year as a full time guide on the White River and I still remember that very first day.  I had a man and his young son the first time out for half a day and was nervous as heck.  I was afraid of not catching fish for my first two fishers of my new career but good fortune was with me and the fish bit well and my training from other guides  kicked in and that very first day turned out to be a good one.   Twelve years later with the experience of over 2500 days on the water I don’t worry so much about catching fish as much as I now strive to create a day on the water that is safe, fun, enjoyable, entertaining and above all educational.   Every fishing trip and every day on the water should contain the above ingredients and the educational part goes for both the fisherman and the guide.  For the fisher the skill level should be increased and for the guide the coaching or teaching skills should be enhanced.   The fisherman with any skill level from neophyte to highly skilled should come away learning something from the day either about the fishing, the fish, casting, rigging, sight fishing or other aspects of our passion of fly fishing.   For me as the “guide” there is not a day I do not learn something new be it a better way to explain a technique, inject more fun into the learning process or be more entertaining while teaching.  Each fisherman wants something out of a trip and it’s my job to find out what it is.  Sometime it is easy and sometimes it is not but every fisherman wants or needs something from the day and a lot of times the fisherman dosn’t know what it is.  Most of the time I can figure it out as the day moves along.  That in essence is the job of the “Guide”.  My commitment to you is to provide a day that is safe, enjoyable, entertaining and educational along with providing you with what you desire from the day.  Feel free to give me a call at 870-404-8906 to discuss a fishing trip and lodging for one person or larger groups up to 20 or more people.  Your safety, fun and enjoyment are my priority.  Call early for big groups as the better guides and lodging get booked up sooner.Thanks and good fishing.Jim (Jimmy T.) Traylor870-404-8906  PO Box 751Bull Shoals, Ar 72619   

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