This past Monday started out foggy but it was a cool morning when Mike and I launched the boat and motored upstream on no generation water (low water) to some ledge rock about 4 miles below the Big Bull Shoals Dam. After we rigged up his rod mike made a couple of cast and then on the third cast hooked into this fish pictured above. An hour later he had a couple of bows in hand Mike continued casting upstream with only 3 fish after the first hour. We looked at each other and wondered what was going on as this spot usually produces a strike with just about every cast early in the mornings. After another hour Mike landed another small brown trout 18 inches or so and a couple of more bows. Mike put on a DADT (don’t ask don’t tell) hot pink midge and pounded a few more bows out of this spot. We knew the fish were there as we could see them after the fog lifted. We took a short break and put the SJ Worm in WAPSI worm color back on and hooked and landed a couple of more brown trout as well as a few more bows. This pattern continued until we called it a day at 2:00 pm and all in all ended up with 7 brown trout and about 20 rainbow trout which for low water at this spot is what we would call a slow catching day but a good one for brown trout.
Looks like we may be getting a bit of rain (we hope) from Isaac which hit the coast last night. We are hoping we get some runoff that will put a bit more water into our lakes and cool them down. The fishing is fair at this time but not as great as it was but then we are also entering another full moon phase this month as well when the fish will feed primarily at night. Our nights are also getting cooler and highs are topping out at around 90 and mid to high 80’s which is very comfortable fishing. September is shaping up to be a good month with cooler nights in the mix and of course October is always our busiest month for fishing and I do have a few days left that month that are open for fishing. The last two weeks of September have some open days and weekends as well.
Call 870-404-8906 and lets go fishing.
Stay Fishy My Friends.
Jimmy T.